Monday, February 8, 2016

Atemlos durch die Gym

This time last year I was prancing around Aachen dressed as Prinzessin Lilifee and a lion-cat-thing yelling "Alaaf!" at parade-goers and scrambling around for candy in the streets. Karneval in Nordrhein-Westfalen was an intensely cultural experience to say the least. While I'm not celebrating here in Eugene, it's definitely been on my mind.

The places a year can take you! 
My costume this year looks a bit more like "news reporter" than "German children's storybook character." Duck TV has been going well and I even won a coveted Force Award for my coverage of Oregon's delayed Dungeness crab season! Click here to see the segment. I've also gotten the chance to hone my technical broadcast news skills. Since our slot to film in the studio was during the Super Bowl, only one of the four Duck TV producers could come and I got to run the sound board. Moving up in the world!

Prepping the show (left) and getting crabby in Eugene (right).
When I'm not on the seafood beat, I'm partying it up with my Global Scholars Hall as well as greater UO community. The Student Activities Board put on a Winter Carnival which was, although quite different, reminiscent of the good ol' Karneval across the pond. I mean, upbeat music was blasting, it took place in the heart of the community, and I went home with a bag full of candy and other treats. 

Even with forty Bingo cards between us we couldn't win...
My friends and I have been going to quite a few UO-sponsored events lately. I mean, might as well enjoy what our tuition is paying for already, right? The Residence Hall Association organized a bowling night at a local alley complete with dinner, drinks, and a party bus. I'm very excited for the upcoming hall event I'm hosting this Friday-- a casino night! All I did was make a little video and the hall government gave me the money and resources I needed to put together the event. If this is how politics work, count me in! 

A wild night in the alley.
And finally, the Karneval season would be incomplete without some wonderfully terrible Schlager music. I never thought I would be craving to hear Scheiss drauf!, Eisgekühlter Bommerlunder, or the mother of them all, Atemlos durch die Nacht, but we all have our weaker moments and this afternoon as I was making my workout playlist, I had only Schlager music. You have to admit though, Karneval music definitely has a strong beat and good tempo. I think I'll be spinning to Bobfahrer-Lied more often. But for now it's time to study! Alaaf!