Monday, August 11, 2014

Support Group in a Glass House

Today was the first day of Exchange Student Support Group-- I mean language camp. It felt kind of like an AA meeting. We went around the circle saying our name, where we're living, and how we're feeling. Some people told little anecdotes and for the most part everyone seemed pretty satisfied with their host families. 

Sharing our feelings in a glass classroom.
Our classroom is a glass building in the courtyard of a community center. Symbolically the whole glass building thing seemed quite fitting. I mean, you can't really criticize another student for being confused about the toilet or shower or whatever. In a few days there'll be something that catches you off guard. 

After the Feelings Circle, we made a board of things we're fearing or nervous about and a board full of things we're excited about. I'm psyched for the Weihnachtsmarkt, aka "Christmas market," which is pretty magical here in Aachen from what I've heard. Oktoberfest was also mentioned but I've yet to meet a German from outside of Bavaria who's actually gone. My biggest fear is probably that I'll get a bad haircut. I suppose it's a good sign when your biggest anxiety is about your hair. I'm not worried about making friends or learning the language or getting along with my host family. Those are already rapidly happening! 

Most of the good things (left) were about food and travel. 
To wrap up Support Group, we did a few little skits. They were a flashback to middle school health class. Most of them were about peer pressure, drugs and alcohol, and relationship issues. Virtually all of the hypothetical problems could easily be solved with communication-- a bit tricky if you can't really speak the same language as your family and peers. 

We also took a mini test to demonstrate our German skills, so I'm assuming we'll start speaking German tomorrow in class. Today I spoke more English than I have since touching down in Frankfurt, which is totally fine because I really enjoy hearing about the other students' experiences and joking around. It's just sort of ironic since we're at German language camp. But no biggie. It was a good mental break. The day before we went to a family friend's birthday party and I listened to and spoke more German in one day than I ever have before.